I have a theory about doctors. This is it... I'm right and your wrong. Unless I know them really well. Hats off to Dr. John Reveille, Dr. Kido, and Dr. Roark in Houston that are probably the only doctors on this planet that I will listen to and take their thoughts into consideration. To all you other doctors, well you're s**t outta luck.
For example, on Saturday morning, I woke up completely miserable. My little sniffle had escalated over night to an extreme cold, with flu like symptoms and a fever. I pretty much thought that the world was coming to an end and that I should just stay in my bed and feel miserable about myself. Catherine, my lovely and very smart and reasonable roommate, encouraged me out of my miserable state and into the 24 hour "Reddy" Clinic. Now, let me give you a little bit of my medical background... I have a form of rheumatoid arthritis and also have had MRSA and recurring sinus infections in the past, therefore, I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. The very intelligent Dr. Roark in Houston would load me up on antibiotics, steroids, and all sorts of sprays and other meds 'cause he knows that I have to get rid of whatever it is I have in order to continue my arthritis medicine (Enbrel, Humira, all you RA folks know what I'm talking about). However, this doctor would not give me diddly-squat. Well, I wasn't too happy about that. This is how our conversations went...
Doctor: "You have a lot of fluid in your ears, you should watch out for a severe ear infection. Your lymph nodes are swollen. Your nose is very swollen, and your tender along your forehead."
Me: "Yes ma'am. I feel really, really bad."
Doctor: "Yes, but I'm hesitant to give you anything."
Me: "Umm... why?"
Doctor: "Because you've only been sick for four days and you are all ready on a lot of medication for your RA."
Me, thinking in my head: "How the hell does my RA medicine have to do with me getting treatment for a sinus infection???!!"
to the doctor: "Umm, well okay, but I feel really bad, and I have had a lot of sinus infections in the past and this feels like one. Also, I'm due for a Humira dose and I can't take it until I get better."
Doctor: "But, if we give you medicine today that's not going to make any difference for your Humira dose tomorrow."
Me: "Well no s**t sherlock that's why I'm here to get the medicine and get better ASAP so then I can take the Humira."
"Yes, I understand, but I want to try and get better as soon as possible so that I can then take the Humira dose because I have been in a lot of pain."
Doctor: "Ummm, well I still don't know. Has your rheumatologist thought about giving you steroids for your arthritis?"
Me: "Are you a doctor??!"
"Yes, but I have only taken them short term because of the side effects. That's why I take Humira, because it's so much better than steroids."
5 minutes more of deliberation this is the conclusion...
Doctor: "Well, I'm really hesitant to do this, but I guess I'll give you something."
Me: "Thank the Lord."
"Thank you ma'am. I really appreciate it."
And let me tell ya... I woke up Sunday morning (well noon to be exact) and I felt like a new person. I'm still not 100%, but I can BREATHE, I can actually get out of bed without being in pain, I'm not coughing up a lung, and I am not suffocating Catherine with all my used tissues thrown all over the room.
See, I know what I'm talking about.
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